Kyshtym Nuclear Disaster – 1957

9 years ago

Nuclear fission was a sensitive subject in the Soviet Union during the Cold War years - to the point where…

Texas City Disaster – 1947

9 years ago

Sometimes painful history lessons aren’t learned. Sometimes they are simply ignored. Either way, the disastrous explosion that devastated Texas City…

Port Chicago Munitions Explosion – 1944

9 years ago

America prides itself on defending national shores and protecting its people against hostile incursion in times of war, but that’s…

Cleveland East Ohio Gas Explosions – 1944

9 years ago

At first, nobody noticed a cloud of vapor pouring from an Ohio Gas Company storage tank on Cleveland’s East 61st…

Benxihu (Honkeiko) Colliery – 1942

9 years ago

Being a coal miner in China has never been the easiest or safest of careers, but today’s Chinese miners operate…

Harrow & Wealdstone Rail Crash – 1952

9 years ago

October 8 1952 had been a foggy morning, but as the local passenger train from Tring stood at the up…

Hawk’s Nest Tunnel tragedy – 1930s

9 years ago

It seems bizarre that one of the USA’s worst-ever industrial disasters happened without a single casualty being recorded, but that’s…

Oppau Explosion – 1921

9 years ago

Ignorance can be bliss - until disaster strikes. Before World War I the BASF (Badische Anilin- und Soda Fabrik) dye…

Operation Iraqi Freedom – 2003

9 years ago

Operation Iraqi Freedom is the name given to the invasion of Iraq on March 19 2003. Its objective was ‘regime…

The Kursk Disaster – 2000

9 years ago

Some time over the weekend of August 12-13 2000, while on a naval exercise inside the Arctic Circle, the Russian…