Overend, Gurney and Company – 1866

9 years ago

Mid-Victorian global economics evolved under the ever-increasing arch of the British Empire. The City of London was the Empire’s engine-room,…

The South Sea Bubble – 1720

9 years ago

At the beginning of the 18th century Europe was in political chaos and by 1710, after a decade of war,…

Afghan Election – 2009

9 years ago

The fiasco of the Afghan presidential election of 2009 is an object lesson in the consequences of blithely marching into…

Scandal of the September Dossier – 2002-2003

9 years ago

When British Prime Minister Tony Blair agreed to support America’s invasion of Iraq he was on shaky ground - under…

Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp – 2002 onwards

9 years ago

Guantanamo Bay on the southern tip of Cuba has been an American naval base ever since 1898, used from the…

Labor Party Rally in Sheffield – 1992

9 years ago

As the 1992 general election approached, Britain was sliding into recession. The electorate were more than ready for change after…

Iran-Contra Affair – 1985-1987

9 years ago

The background to what became known as the Iran-Contra affair of the mid 1980s lay in US President Ronald Reagan’s…

The Winter of Discontent – 1978-1979

9 years ago

The so-called ‘winter of discontent’ of 1978-1979 which brought down Jim Callaghan’s Labour government marked a low point in Britain’s…

Lancaster House Agreement – 1979

9 years ago

The 1960s was a decade in which Britain was busy divesting itself of its colonies in Africa. In most cases…

The Downfall of Jeremy Thorpe – 1975-1979

9 years ago

In 1967, when MP for North Devon Jeremy Thorpe became leader, the Liberal Party was long past its heyday. But…