Categories: Military

7 Images Of Cities Before They Were Devastated By War

Photo by santoelia from

Ever since Uruk, Mesopotamia, today considered the oldest city in the world, was first settled in c. 4500 BCE, cities have found themselves under siege from the scourge of war. Whether it’s flaming arrows or an atomic bomb named “Fat Man” destruction and death, have rained down on cities in every nation of the world.

However, in the 20th century, as we went from horses to horsepower and sabers to stinger missiles, more and more people have seen a new level of destruction beset their homes. The 7 cities on this list have all experienced war and ruin, but they were once vibrant cultural centers inhabited by millions of souls. So let’s take a look at some images of these incredible cities before they were scarred by war.

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Peter Herron

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Peter Herron

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