Huaynaputina Eruption

10 years ago

Huaynaputina is a strato-volcano situated in the Andes range in the south of Peru and is part of the infamous…

Shaanxi Earthquake

10 years ago

The province of Shaanxi in northwestern China has the unenviable record of being the site of the world’s most deadly…

Lisbon Earthquake 1755

10 years ago

One of Europe’s most elegant capital cities was laid waste at a stroke when a ferocious earthquake - thought to…

Vesuvius and the Destruction of Pompeii

10 years ago

The ancient Romans were a superstitious people, forever looking for portents in natural events. They failed utterly, however, to predict…

Antioch Earthquake

10 years ago

Lying on the Orontes River some 20 km (13 mi) inland from the Mediterranean coast in what is now the…

Hindenburg Disaster – 1937

10 years ago

Germany built the biggest and best airships, having honed the technology after constructing huge Zeppelins from the early years of…

Tsuyama Massacre – 1938

10 years ago

In an era when society has perforce become accustomed to the regular incidence of tragedies involving disturbed loners who run…

Collinwood School Fire – 1908

10 years ago

Fatal fires don’t come more harrowing than the crackling inferno that took Collinwood’s children in 20 awful minutes, and prompted…