Turtle Mountain Landslide – Alberta, Canada – April 29, 1903

9 years ago

Excessive amounts of coal were removed from the mountain without adequate protection from overlying layers of rock. As a result,…

Santa Maria Volcanic Eruption – Guatemala – October 24, 1902

9 years ago

Santa Maria’s first eruption in five hundred years exploded into action with a VEI of 6, the same size as…

West Ventura Earthquake – California – December 12, 1812

9 years ago

An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 struck western Ventura, including Santa Barbara. Extensive damage was done to the lightly-constructed Catholic missions…

Owens Valley Earthquake – California – March 26, 1872

9 years ago

The town of Lone Pine, California, was hit with an earthquake of magnitude 7.4. This earthquake destroyed a seventy-mile fault…

Bangladesh Cyclone – October 31, 1876

9 years ago

A cyclone in the area we now know as Bangladesh destroyed the city of Chittagong. At least 200,000 people in…

Krakatau Volcanic Eruption – Indonesia – August 27, 1883

9 years ago

Krakatau was seen before the eruption as a small group of islands with the main part towering high above the…

Charleston Earthquake – South Carolina – August 31, 1886

9 years ago

Charleston, South Carolina, experienced the most powerful earthquake ever to strike the east coast of the United States. Because of the…

Yellow River Flood – China – 1887 AD

9 years ago

High rain fall caused the Yellow River to overtop its banks leading to a widespread flood and the deaths of…

Japan Earthquake – October 28, 1891

9 years ago

The Nobi Region north of Nagoya, Japan, was hit with an earthquake of magnitude 8. The earthquake was felt all…

Louisville Tornado – Kentucky – March 27, 1890

9 years ago

A tornado of strength 4 struck Louisville, Kentucky, killing seventy-six. The tornado’s path was wider than Louisville had ever experienced.…