Mass Shooters Targeted These 5 Cities This Year

gun mass shooting
Image By vchal From Shutterstock

Oakland, California

Since we talked about shootings that took place on January 23, this one that also took place in California happened then too. The coincidence is staggering, but by comparison, this mass shooting has had fewer casualties, with only one person dying and seven more being severely injured in Oakland.

This is still more people than it should have been, with the authorities having not yet released any possible reasons for why the assailant did this and this specific shooting marking the third one in three days in California around that time.

Unfortunately, a third mass shooting was recorded on January 23 in Illinois that left two people dead and three injured.

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8 thoughts on “Mass Shooters Targeted These 5 Cities This Year”

  1. By the time Pres. Bidin decides what todo about guns im major cities gets worse, will we still be alive.

  2. Elizabeth A Rooth

    It isn’t the guns. It’s the morons and people with mental issues that lie on applications to get guns that is the problem. If citizens are disarmed, only thugs will have guns and we won’t have any way to protect ourselves from them or the governments that are trying to enslave us. That’s why our forefathers gave us the right to bear arms in the Bill of Rights.

  3. Funny that 3 of the 5 were in California. They have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. Banks and politicians have armed guards, protecting valuable assets. Yet, we post gun-free zones at schools, leaving our most valuable assets unprotected.

    Pointing a finger at guns wonโ€™t work. Tougher CRIMINAL punishment will.

  4. Almost almost sounds like those masked. Killings are masterminded for a political agenda.
    Especially specially since.
    The killer dies and almost all cases.

  5. Almost sounds like those mass killings are masterminded for a political agenda especially since the killers die in almost all cases.

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