The Stelvio Pass, Italy
The Stelvio Pass is probably the highest paved road in Europe. It’s a 47-mile-long road, located in Italy between Stilfs and Bormio. The challenges of this road are multiple and extremely dangerous: it has a 2.757 meters elevation and a 15-mile serpentine section.
In order to drive here, you’ll have to make 48 turns, of which some are 180-degree corners. Even if the surroundings are simply astonishing, it only takes one wrong move to end up over a cliff.
The road also earned its reputation for Stelvio Bike Day, an organized competition where only cyclists can participate. Riding down the hill can be very entertaining, but you have to be careful about who’s riding or driving toward you.
Naturally, there’s always a shot of dying in a dreadful crash off a mountainside, but if you’re very careful, nothing bad can happen.
Jalalabad-Kabul Road, Afghanistan
Kabul Jalalabad highway stretches 143 km, but it’s a very challenging road for driving. The road’s purpose is to link Kabul to Jalalabad. Because it has such a challenging construction and many reckless drivers feel the need to test their limits, traffic accidents are a daily thing there.
In fact, they say that the number of accidents that have fatal outcomes is extremely common. So common, that the Afghans simply stopped counting.
The road’s structure obliges to sharp turns, cliffs, and narrow paths that go as up as 600 meters over the Kabul canyon, and these are only a few examples of why the road is so dangerous.
When the weather conditions become severe, the road is meant for facilitating humanitarian aid and trade. The highway was one of the greatest standard asphalt roads back in 1969, but in time it started to deteriorate into a gravel road, which make every journey extremely tortuous and long.
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