5 of the Most Evil Companies You Buy From Everyday

evil companies
Photo by oknoart from Shutterstock

1. Various pharmaceutical companies

In 2009, high concentrations of over 21 pharmaceutical drugs were discovered in the water near Patancheru, India. It turned out that these drugs were being dumped in the stream by various factories in the region, most of them owned by US pharmaceutical companies. We were talking about the town’s only water source, providing everything from a place to bathe to drinking water.

Pharmaceutical waste like this has been found in the US as well, and it’s estimated that around 46 million Americans’ tap water contains traces of these drugs in varying concentrations.

How evil is this? Aside from its devastating effect on wildlife, we don’t really know the exact effect small quantities of combined drugs will have on people. But one thing is certain: It can’t be that good.

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