5 of the Most Evil Companies You Buy From Everyday

Photo by Kittyfly from shutterstock.com

4. Siemens

Siemens is an electronics manufacturer that makes everything from vacuum cleaners to car partsโ€”and, in times past, Nazi gas chambers. If you were ever curious about who was willing to be up for the job of building the group-sized hydrogen cyanide chambers that were used in Auschwitz, now you know.

Siemens was also immersed in creating the infamous train system of Nazi-era Germany, the Reichsbahn, which was known for transporting Jews to the concentration camps.

But there’s more; the company also funded the Nazi Party during the 1930s and actively endorsed Hitler’s regime once the war started.

That’s old news, though. Nowadays, Siemens has moved on to more modern strategies like bribing government officials, spearheading a worldwide electronics cartel, and bribing the entire country of Greece.

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