1. Elizabeth Taylor And Kirk Douglas
Mike Todd was a theater and film producer, but the thing that made him extremely popular was the fact that he was Elizabeth Taylor’s third husband. In 1958, he and screenwriter Art Cohn, along with the pilot and copilot of Todd’s private plane, Lucky Liz, wanted to pay New York City a visit.
Mike was supposed to accept an award offered by the New York Friars Club, and he wanted to take his friend, Kirk Douglas, with him. Even though his wife begged him to allow her to join them, he refused, saying that it was better for her to stay at home since she had a strong cold.
A few hours before they were due to leave, Douglas couldn’t be convinced to join them, although his friend kept telling him that he wouldn’t let the plane crash. Sadly, that’s exactly what happened that day. The plane had an engine failure and went down in New Mexico. Everyone on board was killed, and if Kirk Douglas and Elizabeth Taylor were on board, they would’ve lost their lives that day too.
2. Ryan Reynolds
Ryan Reynolds is a popular actor, known for his amazing role in the movie Deadpool. The majority of his fans say that he proved to everyone what an amazing actor he is with the help of this film, so if you haven’t seen it, you should!
However, if Reynolds wasn’t determined to live during the day that changed his life, we wouldn’t any watch movies with this actor now. When he was only 17 years old, he was passionate about skydiving. He was shocked when he noticed that his parachute wouldn’t open, as he was coming closer and closer to the ground.
He panicked and immediately remembered that he had a reserve parachute and pulled the cord. The chute opened and he managed to land safely. Quickly after the event, his skydiving instructor died due to a dive that went wrong. Ryan Reynolds never went back to this dangerous sport.