4 Most Terrifying Animal Attacks in Recent History

Photo by Patrick Rolands from shutterstock.com

2. Charla Nash

Another animal incursion that left the world speechless happened in 2009 when a chimp named Travis attacked Charla Nash. The animal belonged to her friend, Sandra Herold, and she’d had him for a few years when the incident took place. Even though the animal used to be very friendly and obedient, his behavior completely changed when Sandra’s husband died.

Some sources say that Travis knew Charla really well, but something changed in his attitude and he attacked her. When the chimp was beating and biting Nash, his owner tried to fight him off with a knife, but Travis didn’t stop. She immediately called the police crying and screaming ”He’s eating her!”.

When the experts arrived at the scene, the victim was hardly clinging to life. She had extremely severe injuries and her hands, nose, eyes, and lips were completely bitten off and eaten. The police shot Travis several times and the chimp went back to his cage all by himself and died. Fortunately, after many surgeries and treatment, doctors managed to reattach her jaw and performed a full face transplant, but she will never look the same.

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