5 of the Most Evil Companies You Buy From Everyday

Photo by JHVEPhoto from Shutterstock

3. Bayer

You may know Bayer as the maker of Aspirin. They are one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world. In 1984, they found that one of the products they were sellingโ€”a medication to induce blood clottingโ€”was infecting people with HIV.

Like any responsible company, Bayer stopped marketing it and came up with a safer alternativeโ€”right before exporting all of the contaminated medicine to Latin America and Asia, where it continued to be sold.

Moreover, they even kept making the HIV-infected drug for another several months because it was cheaper to produce than the new substituteโ€”this was again sold straight to developing countries.

About 6,000 people in the US were discovered to have AIDS and HIV from the medicineโ€”but how many died from the contaminated medicine overseas? According to some reports, at least 100,000 units of the medicine made their way to Argentina and Asia after Bayer stopped selling it in America.

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