What Happens if a Nuclear Bomb Hits These 5 US Cities?

nuclear bomb
Image fromย NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein

New York City: The estimated death toll from the explosion would be over 1.1 million, while a further 2.1 million would be injured.

The city’s total injury count would also be severe: If detonated over the middle of Manhattan in NYC, it would effectively evaporate SoHo and its surrounding neighborhoods, with a central blast radius that would level most buildings up to the southern end of Central Park and the riverside areas of Hoboken and Brooklyn.

Chinatown and the vicinity of Washington Square Park would be exposed to radiation. Certain areas of the Financial District would also see thermal radiation. People living in the center of the city would suffer third-degree burns.

A lighter blast radius, which still has the potential to cause widespread injuries and damage to buildings, would extend over Harlem, part of Queens, and also Newark, Jersey, in the west.

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