5 of the Most Evil Companies You Buy From Everyday

evil companies
Photo by Ken Wolter from Shutterstock

5. Smithfield Foods

Smithfield Foods is a pig slaughterhouse, and while this might not be considered an evil thing by those who eat bacon and pork, what this company does affects all of us.

They package around 6 billion pounds of pork annually, which means the company needs a lot of pigs. A lot of pigs automatically produce a lot of wasteโ€”about 26 million pounds per year as far as Smithfield is concerned, according to a study.

Not to mention that the pigs are raised in barns that house thousands of tightly packed hogs. The barns’ floors have slits that enable waste to fall through a network of pipes that takes it to huge open-air holding ponds.

But it gets even worse; the pigs are injected with a concoction of antibiotics, and sprayed with insecticides and chemicals that all wind up in the holding ponds.

So how does Smithfield Foods dispose of pounds of liquid, chemical-infused pig waste? They simply spray it into the air so that it floats off their property and becomes someone else’s problem.

A massive someone else’s problem filled with ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide, and over a hundred other toxic compounds has given people in the surrounding areas conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and neurological damage.

If you liked our article on the companies that are a lot more evil than meets the eye, you may also want to read 7 Most Violent Small Towns in America.

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