Million Dollar Highway – Colorado
The Million Dollar Highway is a 25-mile piece of road along the San Juan Mountains between Ouray and Silverton, Colorado. Even if this road has fewer traffic fatalities than many other big highways, it’s still difficult to cross, especially along the Red Mountain Pass. There are cliff edges with absolutely no guardrails, which helped the road earn its nickname “Highway to Hell”.
Interstate 4 – Florida
Millions of tourists go to Florida, mainly to Orlando. it seems that the “theme park capital of the world” is one of the most sought-after and dangerous places to drive. In fact, a recent study confirmed that I-4 is the deadliest road in entire America. In the span of three years, between 2016 and 2019, there were 150 deaths registered there. And to be even more specific, we’re talking about the 132-mile stretch between Daytona Beach and Tampa. In that spot is where most crashes took place.
Taconic State Parkway – New York
The Taconic State Parkway is one of the most dangerous roads in New York. This particular highway is a bit over 100 miles long, and it has numerous hazardous intersections, but also inclement weather, and tight lanes. The Taconic State parkway starts north of New York City and ends in Chatham.
Interstate 5 – Southern California
The I-5 is one of the biggest interstates, stretching from San Diego County all the way to the Canadian border in Washington State. Because of the large population, horrible traffic, and tourist attractions, this highway is particularly dangerous. As a matter of fact, in 2019, there were close to 20,000 road accidents only in San Diego.
Route 285 – West Texas
The well-known U.S. Route 285 stretches over three states: Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. However, there’s one particular portion of the road in West Texas that has earned its nickname of “Death Highway”. A lot of recent fatal crashes were mainly caused by enormous trucks that were carrying supplies to and from the Permian Basin, a very important oil field.
Other dangerous roads in Texas
If you’re currently traveling through Texas, you might want to be careful with careless and distracted drivers who seem to be living the time of their lives on the road. You might encounter them in particular areas, such as Loop 1604 in San Antonio, but also Interstate 20 in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Both of these roads deal with car accidents almost on a daily basis.