Since COVID-19 entered our lives, we found ourselves looking for several ways to protect ourselves and the people that we love. We did everything we could to help get rid of this deadly virus as quickly as possible, so we started wearing face masks, practiced social distancing, stayed at home as much as possible, and we left our offices and started working from home.
The new coronavirus managed to infect more than 550 million people worldwide, and it killed no less than 6 million. Of course, doctors and scientists are constantly looking for ways to improve the health care system, and we can say that we’re lucky that we have modern technology that helps us beat disease faster than we previously did.
Speaking of diseases, there have been many other deadly diseases that have claimed many victims in the past, and some experts believe that the symptoms were more dangerous than those presented by SARS-CoV-2. Let’s take a look at 10 contagious diseases that are considered far worse than COVID-19.
1 thought on “10 Contagious Diseases Worse Than COVID-19”
I had polio in buffalo ny in sept 1939 , ,i am still here and 90 yrs old. was admitted to buffalo city hospital which changed at that time to Myers Memorial which is now ( i think) ECMC,I was in the hospital for 5 years straight–polio (iron lung) had TB-tuburqlosis and I am still here ,thank the dear lord and my nurses and doctors