1. Job loses
As you probably know, things are not that great when it comes to people’s workplaces. Technology is great, and it has helped us face a ton of troubles, improve our health, communicate with one another, and give jobs to millions of citizens.
However, it also has a dark side, and more and more people start thinking that computers and robots are more likely going to steal our jobs by 2050. Whether it’s journalism, serving at restaurants, building cars, teaching, graphic design, or content creation, things are more likely going to change, as some people claim, which is going to be a huge problem for America.
Moreover, over 70% of the Americans who participated in that study said that besides the probability of losing their jobs and not having money to sustain themselves, this will also cause much more inequality between the wealthy and the poor.
As you can imagine, if a scenario like this actually happens, people won’t have money to pay their bills or their taxes, which can lead to huge economic and social problems. What do you think is going to happen? Let us know in the comments down below!
2. USA won’t be as important as it is nowadays
The United States of America is one of the biggest countries in the world and is seen by many as an indestructible force capable of doing anything. America is strong thanks to its knowledge, economy, military weapons, and influence.
But many citizens say that things won’t stay like this forever. They believe that given the problems that the world faces today, such as the war that takes place in Ukraine, China is going to become the new powerful country, and it might take over the influence America has in the world. If something like this is indeed going to happen or not, we’ll have to wait and discover ourselves!
1 thought on “4 Ways America Might Be Destroyed by 2050”
When will people see the real problem? As always it starts with money. Spending is the root cause. Simply put it is spending money they don’t have. counting on the money they think they will have. the second problem also related to money is that we have bankers controlling it. All done under the guise of “protecting the citizen. We actually have no “real” money it is money that is used for the convenience of use. With inflation, it would be hard to carry enough money to buy food at the market we have allowed the government to print money that they say is backed by real value like gold. Even that is no longer true. it is now only the word of the government that says it will honor the value of that piece of paper you hold. We all know what the word of government is worth today. Now they want to go digital. Why? it isn’t for the convenience of the people. It will become easier to track every transaction so they can tax it. you will have no way to object because they will have complete control. object and they flip a switch and you have no way to live. pay your bills so your house and car is confiscated and not paying your bills is criminal so you go to jail. The government then becomes the lesser of the evils that await. Disasters natural or man-made will cut power and your source of living. our system is vulnerable to attack from enemies that want to destroy our country. Even worse are the people that want the power to rule. With control of our power grid, they would have absolute power, or so they believe. Many possibilities come to mind. Many ( the sheeple) will follow without a bleat thinking they have no choice. others will rise up unorganized to be put down quickly. Others will have foreseen this problem and quietly set plans in motion that could liberate or destroy our nation. We still have a choice to make changes peacefully. We see the efforts of the government trying to take control and the efforts of people to resist. The Insurrection of Jan 6 was one. Question !!! how many of these people have actually been convicted of insurrection?. Time to pause from your phone text and look at the many views that come from media. determine which source is true. or as true as you can prove. This must be our first step. having sources that provide accurate information. Not just because they are a bad guy part of the opposing party. We must stop the uncontrolled spending by gov. Look at how they solve problems. if their answer is they need to spend more money then you must ask OK but we need to hear the plan that goes with spending money. If we get a long sentence that says nothing then you are backing the wrong person. Time to stop the spending and corruption. look closely to see how your representative can become a millionaire in the few years they represent us on the salary they make.( please note I didn’t say earn). Taxing the rich for their “fair share” isnt the answer. it is their spending. Well my rant has extended far too long. Thanks for reading my post.—— I, Grampa