#2 Malaria and Dengue
You’re probably aware that if you go to some parts of Africa, it is strongly suggested that you get a shot for malaria before you go. This is because there is a high possibility of contracting it when going there, as due to the humidity and climate, they do have an abundance of everyone’s “favorite” insect: the mosquito.
If the mosquitoes weren’t already annoying with the buzzing and the itchiness of their bites, they also have a dangerous aspect to them as they carry a lot of diseases. When you combine that with the humid climate, you get a ticking timebomb.
Talking about malaria, it is a fatal disease that gets transmitted if an infected mosquito bites you. If not treated as fast as possible, the infected person will die. On the other side of the coin, we have dengue, which is just as fatal as malaria, but it is more often found in one specific type of female mosquito, Aedes aegypti.
Unfortunately, they are not going to disappear. These pests, known as mosquitoes, are too widespread, and these diseases are easily contracted; therefore, they have been ravaging areas of the world for years and causing hundreds of thousands of deaths annualy!