Even if the country made multiple development advances in the past years, Afghanistan still is a very volatile and fragile country. This country has suffered from many decades of instability, which is the main reason why it’s still struggling.
Unfortunately, violence is still undermining the country’s development, as two-thirds of the Afghan people are still living in areas that are extremely affected by the conflict, which only prompts ongoing internal displacement that, in time, erodes people’s coping mechanisms.
Even more, the challenges that they have to face are compounded by the ongoing limitation of communities, government, and humanitarian actors that should withstand the terrifying impact of natural disasters, such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, and drought.
Since 2009, the Council on Foreign Relations estimated that there are 11,000 civilian casualties in Afghanistan. Before the United States decided to withdraw its military forces from Afghanistan, over 18 million people asked for humanitarian aid, 3 million children included.
1 thought on “7 Countries That Live in Warfare in 2022”
WWI was supposed to “…make the world safe for democracy…” and be “…the war to end all wars…” yet it’s said something like there has there been no war worldwide for only eight years in recorded history. Organizations like the United Nations and countries that have not experienced war first-hand; or for a very long time, have to get together and try to find ways to stop current wars and prevent future ones. It ‘s disgusting that after two major world wars; I and II, little or nothing has been done to stop wars since, like America questionably being in Vietnam for something like 14 years, and later again questionably twice in Iraq and then in Afghanistan hunting OBL but which lasted for about two decades. Russia has now started a war in Ukraine so the nature of humanity itself can be called into question not criticizing those who were against war and have historically done what they could to stop it.